8 Ways to Live Absolutely Rent Free

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This is a guest post from Brian Loman. Brian has more than 10 years of experience working in the short-term lending industry. His main goal is to help people become financially literate and find their path to stability.

A lot of people dream of living without having to deal with paying rent, and there are actually a number of realistic ways that you can manage doing this.

If you aren’t particularly interested in a traditional housing option, you will find that there are numerous ways to make your dream a reality.

There are plenty of people who live rent free on a daily basis, and you can do the same.

Many people are living rent free and perfectly happy, so it’s definitely something that is very possible. The following list should help you get started with living rent free.

1. Live on a Boat

One of the best ways that you can live rent free is to live on the water.

You can always try finding someone who needs a person to look after their vessel to make sure that no harm comes to it from vandals and other things.

You might just be surprised when it comes to how many boat owners are willing to let people live on their boats rent free in exchange for taking minor care of them.

You’ll obviously need to leave when the owner needs the boat, but it’s still a great option to consider.

2. Take Advantage of a Free Home Sharing Program

You can always check to see if your area has a free home sharing program that you can take advantage of.

With this type of program, you could get the opportunity to live with an elderly person who has a spare room.

While you will most likely be expected to perform basic chores around the house (cooking, cleaning, etc.), it is still definitely an option worth considering.

This could be a great way to live completely rent free for a long period of time. Take the time to read through the details of the program so you will know exactly what you should expect.

3. House Sit for Others

Another way that you can live rent free is by house sitting for other people.

You will probably need to do things like water the person’s plants and perform other regular minor chores, but it’s well worth it when you consider the fact that you are essentially living rent free.

A lot of people allow others to live in their home rent free so they can have peace of mind when going on long vacations or staying with family out of town for a while.

4. Get a Scholarship

Many people who want to live rent free end up getting a fellowship or scholarship, which isn’t a job but can provide you with a place to live without any fees.

Depending on the amount you receive for your scholarship, it might be enough to help you out with your living situation.

You can also get a loan online if you are currently unemployed. A loan could go a long way towards helping you to live rent free.

5. Live in an RV

When it comes to living without paying rent, you can always try living in a van or RV.

There are plenty of very nice and spacious recreational vehicles that you can get, and many of them are perfectly suitable for long term accommodations.

It might get a little bit cramped at times, but it is still an option that you will definitely want to keep in mind for the future.

6. Get a Job that Includes Accommodation

There are many different jobs that you can get that include accommodation, such as a live-in nanny for a family who needs help taking care of their children.

You might also be able to work at a boarding school that will provide you with full accommodations at no cost to you whatsoever.

We highly recommend that you take the time to look into some of these types of jobs until you find that you think might be a good fit for you.

7. Move Back Home To Your Parents

These days more and more people in their 20s and even 30s are moving back home with their family to save money and avoid paying rent.

If you don’t want to be saddled with the huge expense of rent, you might want to think about doing this.

Not everyone is able to do this, but it’s still something that you will want to consider.

If your finances aren’t great and you need to save as much money as possible, moving back home is a great option that you should keep in mind.

There is no shame in going back home for a while, and it can help you with living out your fantasy of not having to worry about rent.

8. Take in Boarders

Some people who want to live completely rent free take in boarders who pay to stay in some of their extra rooms.

If you manage to get enough boarders at the right price you could easily end up not having to pay any rent at all.

This isn’t necessarily a viable option for everyone, but if nothing else it will help to significantly reduce the amount of rent you pay.

You should, however, take the time to find the right people to rent your rooms out to so that you don’t end up living with people you can’t stand.

These days more and more people are doing this to save money, and you could potentially not have to pay any rent at all.

Bottom Line

While living completely rent free might seem like a dream or fantasy, it is very much something that you could do with ease.

There are tons of different ways to go about doing this, so you should take the time to find a way that is right for you.

The more time you take to look into these options, the better your chances are.

By doing this you will have a lot more money for other things on a regular basis.

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Text overlaid on an image of a bright, minimally decorated room says "8 clever hacks to LIVE RENT FREE" with the website "boostmybudget.com" at the bottom left corner. Learn how you can find affordable solutions and live rent free today!

2 thoughts on “8 Ways to Live Absolutely Rent Free”

  1. Nix on number 7! As Dad of three millennials I would help any of them out in a serious situation of need but I do not want any of them moving back home. Our job was raising them to support themselves, if they have to live with us for any extended period then we failed them. You can’t really grow up until you leave home and create your own home. Again in a case of serious need then certainly, but not just to save money unless it is a near emergency.

    • Haha I knew that one would be controversial! I think it can be a good solution short term to help save up for a house deposit, for example, but it’s definitely not for everyone. Thanks for commenting!


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